Whole wheat Prunes Cake (with cocoa buttercream frosting)

Sorry I do not have a pic with the cut cake to show you the inside of it.

Ingredients for the cake:-

  1. Whole Wheat flour - 1 and half cup
  2. Prunes chopped- 1 cup
  3. Egg- 2 whole
  4. Water - 1 and quarter cup
  5. Butter- half cup
  6. Sugar- half cup
  7. Baking Soda- 1 tsp
  8. Vanilla Essence- 1 tsp
  9. Salt- a pinch or two

  1. Sieve Whole wheat, Baking powder, Salt together and keep aside
  2. In a Sauce pan, boil chopped prunes, sugar, butter and 1 cup of water until sugar dissolves and allow it to cool. I recommend you keep the sauce pan in a water bath to cool it down quickly
  3. In a mixing bowl beat 2 whole eggs and add vanilla essence. Once the mix has cool down to room temperature add the prune mix to the egg-vanilla and mix well.
  4. Add the flour mixture in 3 parts. Fold the flour into the liquid mix.
  5. Now preheat oven on 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
  6. In a round or square cake tin as you prefer butter and flour well and line a parchment paper
  7. Pour the cake batter and bake in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for 50-60 minutes until the cake is well cooked at the centre.
  8. Check after 50 minutes by inserting a knife into the centre and it should come out clean.
  9. Wait for the cake to cool down completely, then you can frost with your favorite flavor. I used a simple vanilla cocoa butter cream frosting. You may try without frosting as well. 
    Ingredients for frosting:-

   1. Unsalted Butter softened- half cup
   2. Powdered sugar- 1 cup
   3. Cocoa powder- 1 tbsp
   4. Milk - 1/4 cup
   5. Vanilla essence - 1 tsp


  1. You need a hand/standing mixer to do this. On low speed beat the soft butter until it turns pale. 

  2. Add a few spoons of powdered sugar at a time to the butter n beat the mixture until the entire sugar has combined well and fluffy. You may mixin the cocoa powder with the powdered sugar.
 3. Add the milk mixed with vanilla essence to make it smooth and glossy.

 4. Now using a piping bag n spatula frost your cake and add your own designs or like me use a fork to make the design. Chill for half an hour at least ans serve. 


  1. Good one! Thanks for sharing with us. If you want to know more about Flavor House in New Jersey so you can visit us.


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