Caramel Pudding

This is my husband's favorite pudding. I have been waiting to make it in an oven when recently I found out that I can just steam the pudding too. So here's the recipe for you.

  1. Milk- 1/2 ltr
  2. Sugar- 1/2 cup
  3. Egg- 3 nos
  4. Vanila Essence- 2 drops
  5. Butter/Ghee- few drops
  1. First brush the bowl or cup that you want to make the pudding with butter or ghee.
  2. Secondly in a sauce pan melt 1/4 cup sugar in 1 tsp of water  until it is brown and caramalised and pour it into the bowl and keep it to cool.
  3. Now mix the rest of the sugar with the beaten eggs and milk until the sugar is completly dissolved.
  4. Add few drops of vanila essence and pour the mixture into bowl with the caramillised sugar.
  5. Keep the bowl inside the steamer for half hour.
  6. Check with a knife whether the pudding is completely cooked through. If the knife comes out clean then it is done.
  7. Cool the pudding and refridgerate for another half hour.
  8. With a knife loosen the side of the pudding and keep a plate on top and flip the pudding bowl.
  9. Pour any left over caramel on top and serve.


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